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The Blood Of Executed Cops Is On Obama’s Hands

Barack Obama cynically has attempted to racially divide the good people of the United States with his anti-cop agenda but now the color blue is uniting America against the so-called President.  If there’s one thing we all want is a safe community for our families.  And so when a black cop-hater suffering from race paranoia gunned down NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in a self-described revenge attack over the tragic deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, the entire nation from all ethnic backgrounds and racial makeups rallied around law enforcement.

Anti-racist chants from anti-cop protestors have fallen on deaf ears in New York City which has the most diverse police department in the United States of America.  For example, Officer Ramos was Hispanic with Dominican heritage, and Officer Liu was Asian with Chinese heritage.  These men were not token officers.  There are 35,000 cops in the NYPD, and less than half are white.  The other half represent every other human color on God’s green earth.  The racist charges from the babbling fools in the street protests simply don’t ring true to New Yorkers many of whom have friends and family in the department.

The racially divisive anti-cop agenda of Barack Obama finally is coming home to roost for the President as the good people of the United States rally around their police officers.   The White House knows that the cop executions in New York were the last proverbial straw for the American people, and so its media stooges are insisting President Obama has no responsibility for fanning the hateful flames which spurred these horrible crimes.  A self-proclaimed “fact checker” from The Washington Post vainly attempted to undermine former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s apt assessment that Obama’s anti-cop propaganda helped incite the cop murders.  However, the “fact checker” simply ignored the complete record in absolving President Obama of any responsibility, and left out several instances which document his antipathy towards law enforcement.

For example, federal border patrol agents long have complained that President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder refuse to prosecute illegal aliens and immigration activists who assault them in the line of duty according to National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tuscon, AZ as reported by Breitbart News:

“And does that encourage further lawlessness and put us in a bad position as we try to do our job? Absolutely. It emboldens these types of people and puts us in danger. Impeding law enforcement should be a serious no-no. Protest some other way, but not by interfering with an active enforcement operation and creating a dangerous atmosphere where someone could be badly injured or killed. Why weren’t these people arrested and charged?”

However, the Obama administration “has shown a distinctly quick trigger finger in going after Border Patrol agents” according to NBPC vice president Shawn Moran as reported by Jerry Seper for The Washington Times:  “‘that same quickness would be better served in prosecuting the criminals who routinely assault Border Patrol agents and violate the immigration and drug laws of the United States,’ he said.”

Indeed, President Obama’s bias against cops in favor of criminals was no better demonstrated than in Michael Brown’s tragic death which obviously was a justifiable shooting to any objective observer from the very beginning.  Nevertheless, the Justice Department quickly dispatched nearly 50 FBI agents into Ferguson, MO to conduct a witch hunt against Police Officer Darren Wilson, and then sent down about 150 G-men to monitor law enforcement’s response to the so-called street protests after the grand jury exonerated him.  Of course, the only crimes committed were by Michael Brown and the subsequent rioters no doubt to the grave disappointment of the pathetic race hustlers called Team Obama who came back to Washington, D.C. without any white cop scalps.

Of course, the Obama administration still may come down on the Ferguson cops for supposed racism even without any underlying evidence as it’s already done to other good departments across the United States in its paranoid search for boogey men to explain away the social ills faced by the black community which too often refuses to take any personal responsibility for their life’s fate as reported by Paul Sperry for the New York Post:

In the past five years, Holder has more than doubled the number of police department probes compared with the previous five years, opening more than 20 investigations and pressuring 15 consent orders to stop “biased policing” and other alleged violations.  What’s striking about these federally mandated orders is the lack of evidence investigators found to show cops stopped and arrested black people simply because of bias.

David Clarke, a Democrat who is the African-American sheriff of Milwaukee, WI says that Obama and Holder are using the race card to demonize cops for political gain as reported by John Fund and Hans Von Spakovsky for the New York Post:  “they trashed an entire profession with a broad brush because it was politically expedient for them to do so,” and says “the Obama administration set a pattern early on that it would ignore bad behavior and bad actors if it suited their political purposes and their warped racial ideology.”

If there’s any doubt about Obama’s animus against the police just look at his chummy relationship with Al Sharpton who has been to The White House nearly 100 times and helped selected Eric Holder’s replacement Loretta Lynch as attorney general.  Mayor Giuliani correctly observes that if “you make Al Sharpton a close adviser, you’re going to turn police against you” as reported by Patrick Brennan for the National Review:

“I saw this man help cause riots in New York; I’ve heard his anti-police invective firsthand. To have a man who hasn’t paid $4 million in taxes, to have a man who’s spent his career helping to create riots and phony stories about police, to have that man sitting next to you speaks volumes. Actions speak louder than words.”

President Obama may have issued an empty statement about the cop executions but no doubt that horrific day didn’t spoil his night’s sleep on his Hawaiian vacation because the man is just another race-hustling hypocritical prick who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the real heroes who are the enduring character of this great nation.  It’s time for the good people of the United States to turn their backs on President Obama because the fish rots from the head down, and we are taking back our country.

Further reading that may be of interest:

Two New York Cops Killed In Shooting Ambush

Filed under: Government, Journalism, Politics Tagged: Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Bill de Blasio, Darren Wilson, Eric Garner, Eric Holder, FBI, Michael Brown, NYPD, Rafael Ramos, Rudy Giuliani, Wenjian Liu Image may be NSFW.
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