The proponents of so-called immigration reform have launched a propaganda campaign to hoodwink the American people into accepting amnesty for illegal aliens, and their message is fraudulently built on cheap sentiment, misleading statements and outright lies. Just remember: the people behind immigration reform – the far left of the Democrat Party and the business wing of the Republican Party – are the same con artists who sold the good citizens a false bill of goods in hawking ObamaCare. Remember all those repeated claims that if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan? These people cannot be trusted. And here are seven lies that are behind the spin machine for immigration reform.
Lie No. 1: The System Is Broken
Twenty to forty million illegal aliens reside in the United States but this is not the result of immigration laws that need revamping but a failure to enforce existing laws. Indeed, the principal “reform” offered by the Obama Administration does not fundamentally change the current system but simply offers universal amnesty — euphemistically characterized as a pathway to citizenship — for those already here. Offering amnesty to illegals in the name of immigration reform is the same as offering pardons to convicts in the name of prison reform.
Lie No. 2: The Border Is Secure
Most illegals arrived into the United States simply by walking over the border from Mexico. It’s so easy a child can do it. Indeed, even as the political hacks at Homeland Security insist the Southwest border is more secure than ever, unaccompanied minors cross it each day by the thousands. “Fixing” the immigration system through amnesty for all those illegals currently in the United States seems rather pointless if the problem only will continue through an open border. .
Lie No. 3: Illegals Are Not Criminals
Crossing over the border without authorization is an express crime pursuant to section 1325 of title 8 in the U.S. Code. Moreover, many illegal aliens entered the United States by paying smuggling guides tied to the Mexican cartels, and therefore are complicit co-conspirators in the crime rackets which corrupts their native land. Finally, once in the country, many illegal aliens engage in identity theft, tax evasion and document forgery in maintaining their stay.
Lie No. 4: Illegal Crossings Are “Acts Of Love”
Parents are not providing their children with a better life by dragging them on a treacherous journey from Mexico into America through smuggling corridors controlled by drug cartels. Worse yet are those parents who encourage their kids to make this perilous trek alone. A civilized society would characterize such acts as child endangerment, and these unfit parents already residing — legally or otherwise — in the United States should have their parental rights terminated.
Lie No. 5: America Is A Nation Of Immigrants
Immigration waves from past generations of long ago do not justify current influxes. It was one thing to welcome the huddled masses through long-closed Ellis Island during the country’s expansion from an unsettled land to a mature economy but there no longer is a compelling need for any more bodies under an antiquated 19th-century immigration attitude. Government resources for basic services such as medical care and public education already are stretched thin, and the private economy is experiencing high unemployment and anemic growth. Further population expansion through illegal immigration very well could throw this precarious state into a downward spiral from which the nation may never recover. A century ago this country may have been built on immigration but the cheap invocation of this warm sentiment is a poor substitute for a rational policy in today’s world.
Lie No. 6: Embracing Illegals Is A Moral Duty
An old lady who takes in stray cats may be a good-hearted soul but there’s a limit to how many the dear thing can care for without becoming an unfortunate hoarder whose home becomes a mess. America already has reached the tipping point in the number of illegal aliens it can sustain. Heck, the country no longer can even provide decent jobs to all of its own citizens, and now Barack Obama and his White House crew want to open the economic door to illegal aliens? It’s a shame that our elected officials are more concerned about illegal aliens than the American people who actually pay their salaries. Charity – and opportunity — begins at home.
Lie No. 7: Immigration Opponents Are Hateful Racists
Hispanic people existed in the Southwest well before America’s founding, and as the region was folded into the country their culture was woven into the national fabric. No one is trying to keep out Hispanics; indeed, they have long proudly existed in great numbers as a vibrant force within the United States. If the United States were such a racist country against Hispanic people then why on God’s green earth do they continue to migrate here by the millions? Moreover, given that many Hispanics from Mexico identify as white due to their Spanish ancestry, accusing those who oppose illegal immigration as hateful racists is patently laughable. The issue is not Mexicans; the problem is illegals. Of course, race hustlers who casually hurl incendiary charges to advance their political agenda are perhaps the lowest form of human intelligence, and they engage in such desperate tactics only because their substantive positions on the underlying issues otherwise have no merit.
Here’s the truth about the spin campaign to provide universal amnesty for the 20 to 40 million illegal aliens in the United States: the far left in the Democrat Party wants to increase its voting bloc among the entitlement class, and the business wing of the Republican Party wants a bigger pool of cheap labor. Hopefully, the American people won’t swallow their lies.
Further reading that may be of interest:
Filed under: Government, Mexican Drug Cartels, Politics, Street Gangs Tagged: Barack Obama, Human Trafficking, Illegal Immigration